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Enrico last won the day on November 26 2023

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About Enrico

  • Birthday 03/03/1974

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  1. Well if you read it again, the Kelly Osborne post sounded very sarcastic towards us. BTW I have a PhD in Ancient History so I think I can read sources ;) Let's move on! Viva Italia, viva Mexico!
  2. @Pedro Beltran I honestly don't understand why you are still pointing your finger at me. We just said that in Italy the controversy around the cartoon wasn't known, and now you are accusing us of ignorance in general about Latin people? Believe me, Italians are very easily object of stereotypes. I hid the posts, the member explained that it wasn't meant to be racist, I think everything is ok now. Let's move on please and enjoy the Mexican shows!
  3. Thank you for clarifying. Actually it's true, the cartoon is very popular in Italy, there is also a famous song named after this character. I didn't know about the racism controversy and its cancellation.
  4. Hi, I decided to hide a post that offended some of the Mexican members, and the following replies. I am sure the user didn't mean to sound rude or racist, but just wanted to be funny. I honestly had never heard about Wendy before yesterday, and actually I would expect a different celebrity in the dvd edition... So please don't overreact if someone doesn't know Wendy.
  5. I have asked it already, but as I am terrible with technology and vpns, can someone make a post with step by step instructions on how to see the show from Italy/Europe?
  6. You're absolutely right, but this is probably one of the flaws of the album... Madame X travelling around the world doesn't really make it cohesive. Tracks 5-10 are the best section. BTW, Ciao Bella has nothing to do with Italy, except the title. Which shows how incoherent the album is. I'd love to know the lyrics by Dino D'Santiago, which are Africa related.
  7. I like the lyrics of the verse and the crystal quality of the voice in them. The chorus "ven conmigo" is very weak instead. The postchorus "si te enamoro" is much better but comes in too late. I wonder if it's always been coinceved as a duet. What I don't like is that a Portuguese-inspired album ends up confusing so many different Latin cultures. Medellin has nothing to do with Lisbon. The video has good ideas (cha cha lesson for instance) but then goes off the rails with too many elements (the initial prayer, the horses, that horrible grotesque marriage scene).
  8. She says she makes up songs on the spot, so it's new and improvised Dice di stare attenti perché le piace inventare canzoni lì per lì, sul momento, quindi non è una canzone esistente
  9. Funny cause we have been saying how the sound changes in every section of tge arena, while these two guys say that they make sure the show sounds the same everywhere
  10. I don't understand exactly what she says...
  11. So, which one is the daughter named after Madonna? She must be 34 now.
  12. The Gotham demo is a MASTERPIECE! I love everything about it!
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